The future of energy lies in sustainability, innovation and collaboration. This is where AFSA comes in as they are the public face of the company, responsible for the rollout of the products and services created by Saztec Engineering and its commercial partners. These items will be uniquely focused on being environmentally friendly, cost-effective and energy-efficient. These products will be chosen and developed specifically to help alleviate the stresses and strains of the cost of living crisis, in particular, felt by the vulnerable and the elderly, especially after losing their winter allowance.

AFSA will become your one-stop shop for all your energy-efficiency cost-busting solutions. AFSA-space will become ‘A safe space’ for all your environmental needs, supporting our communities when they need it the most.

It’s fair to say that the transition to Hydrogen is not going to be an easy one. This is because, fundamentally, this is a chicken and egg situation, where to transition from vehicles with an internal combustion engine to vehicles fuelled by Hydrogen in the fastest, most cost-effective manner requires 2 essential principles running side by side. These are:

1. A reliable, stable national Hâ‚‚ refuelling network
2. A desire from consumers to purchase Hydrogen powered vehicles/technologies.

Essentially, vehicle providers will not be willing to upgrade their systems without the demand from the consumers, and consumers will not be willing to purchase Hydrogen powered vehicles without a reliable refuelling option.

This is where AFSA comes in, as they are the public face of the company, responsible for the rollout of the products and services created by [Zzeetek Engineering] and its commercial managers. To aid this rollout, AFSA is subdivided into specific areas:

1. AFSA will make available for purchase a range of products which are uniquely focused on being environmentally friendly, cost-effective and energy efficient. These products will be chosen specifically to help alleviate the stresses and strains of the cost of living crisis in particular, [are felt] by the older generation, those losing their winter allowance. These products have been fully tested and reviewed to perfectly complement our consumers’ way of life.

2. A huge obstacle to the rollout of a national hydrogen infrastructure has been its bulk distribution. Due to the fact that the Hydrogen atom is so incredibly small, storage solutions require precision engineered equipment and safety standards. This is all very expensive.

This is where our new HydroPod system comes in. You can think of the HydroPod as an “All-in-One” Hydrogen Production and Distribution solution. We will look to establish relationships with fuel forecourt owners across the country, supporting them to upgrade their sites by installing our HydroPods. Wherever possible, we will look to make use of their existing infrastructure to limit disruption and cost.

We have developed a unique, hugely energy-efficient electrolyte, which will be supplied to the forecourts to work in the HydroPod. The pod will split the electrolyte into Hydrogen and Oxygen, purifying and compressing the gases for local storage, ready to be supplied to the consumers. The HydroPod incorporates a metered fuelling system which allows for all suitable vehicles to be refuelled with Hydrogen in a manner which is safe, fast, efficient, and very convenient for the user.

Being that the HydroPod is an “All-in-One” solution and that it is designed to be integrated with existing forecourt layouts (where possible), they can be rolled out very easily across the country. We are already in discussions with a forecourt owner to install our Pods across their network of 200+ UK locations.

3. Eventually, it will be our desire to establish a network of AFSA vehicle conversion centres at key locations across the UK, at sites which require rejuvenation and development. From an environmental point of view, it always makes sense to make use of what you already have, and so we have developed a process by which to convert your current vehicle from a traditional internal combustion to one customized to utilize Hydrogen. There will be the option for these centres to be owned and operated by local people, from local communities, via a franchise model.